Welcome to trans.healthcare,

the future home of an open platform and information portal for trans people seeking information relevant to transition.

We're currently working hard at bringing together all the information needed to release the site into the wild. However, click here if you feel like checking it out while we're working on it.

Why are we doing this?

There are many sites out there that claim to offer information on these issues to the trans community. In reality most of these sites provide little to no help outside helping you find a surgeon willing to perform SRS. While this is certainly an important thing to know, this site will focus on the fact that we are more than just our genitals.

The goal is to collect all information that is relevant to being trans. Before, during, or after transition, regardless of your gender identity, regardless of where you live. This site should provide the answers you seek and need. And if you can't find the information you're looking for, the site is completely open source, so you can suggest edits or volunteer to fill in the gaps yourself if you want to.

Background by torbakhopper